Saved queries or charts can be copied to create a new report.

Copying a Saved Query as the basis for a new report is easy:

Copy Query

  1. Login to Tracker.
  2. Click on the Query icon.
  3. In the Saved Queries pulldown at the top, select the saved query you want to copy.
  4. Click on the Add button to the right of the pulldown.
  5. You'll be prompted to enter/select a Query Name, Query Type, User Group (if applicable) and Query Format.
  6. Click Next.
  7. The criteria from the report you selected in step 3 will be available; make any desired changes. More information is available in the User Help Guide: Standard Queries or Advanced Queries
  8. Click Add to save the new report.

To copy a Saved Chart and use the criteria for a new chart:

Copy Chart

  1. Login to Tracker.
  2. Click on the Metrics icon.
  3. In the Saved Charts pulldown, select the saved chart you want to copy.
  4. Click on the Add button to the right of the pulldown.
  5. You'll be prompted to enter/select Saved Chart Name, Saved Chart Type and Group (if applicable).
  6. Click Next.
  7. The criteria from the chart you selected in step 3 will be available; make any desired changes. More information is available in the Saved Chart Criteria section of the User Help Guide.
  8. Click Add to save the new chart.